Body Rubs: The Best Technique  

Digital Image by Sean Locke Digital Planet Design
Digital Image by Sean Locke
Digital Planet Design

There are several techniques of massaging which you might not be aware of, one of them is known as rubbing. Massage therapists are experts at this certain technique and that is what makes them good at what they do. There are different methods of rubbing used in massages and you need to know about all of them. Some people call this kind of massage the friction massage.

There are actually a few ways in which rubbing can be done exceptionally. You need your fingers to remain still just on top of the skin and at the same time let your palms or fingers perform all the movement to massage the layer below. If you seek a clearer explanation of the process then you need to study how a salon hair wash works. You can also read it here at When you head is being given a rubbing by the assistants who work at the salon, you would notice that they are only actually moving their fingers and not the entire hand. A similar type of movement is basically applied when performing rubdowns in an entire persons body.

Types Of Massages

The miser’s rub is the first massage which will be defined to you.

A person’s fingers and toes are the main focus of this type of massage and that is what makes it so relaxing.

The circular massage is the next massage that you should be aware about.

Make sure that you are able to securely place you hands on a person’s skin when you perform this type of massage. Move your fingers in slight circles over the layers of the skin so that you can carefully target all the tissues. You should change it to a more oval motion in the cases where you care massaging body parts that are longer such as the arms and legs, that will increase the coverage considerably. Visit website to know more about this.

And the finally the last kind of massage is what is known as the cross fiber massage.

When you perform this type of massage, you need to know that muscles of fibers are actually being set up in a singular direction. For instance, the muscles in the bicep run from the shoulder to the elbow in a direction that goes down. During this massage, the muscle is rubbed in a cross-wise manner, in a direction that is opposite to how the muscle fibers are directed. This massage is especially beneficial to one type of person. People who are athletes and who are constantly suffering from injuries related to the muscle are the one who would find this massage the most satisfying. This form of therapy can heal the scarred tissue at a rapid rate.

These techniques should sufficiently give you enough information about rubbing that would help you perform the best nashville body rubs that you can.

Body Rubs: The Best Technique  

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